As a student, I assumed the goal of school was “learning.” As an educator, the goal is “becoming.” School is the environment that allows both individuals to become better people that create a better world. At Drew, we believe that school is more than a learning community and a place to acquire knowledge and skills. It is a place to develop self-awareness, build relationship skills, shape culture and deepen our concern for communities beyond our own.
We recognize that when students do not feel accepted and included, it is difficult for true learning and growth to take place. Our community and student life programming focuses on opportunities and mechanisms for students to explore individual passions and purpose while part of an inclusive community. Through programs like advisory, clubs/affinity groups, and student council, students develop trusted relationships with staff and receive pointed mentorship. We are deeply relational and understand that moments of growth are fostered through challenging perspectives, taking risks, and collaboration. Drew students cultivate a sense of ownership of their educational and personal growth becoming the architects of their own experience and strong self-advocates.
We are a community that is encouraged to be ourselves; we feel seen and have a sense of connection. It is this connection that creates the feeling of belonging and compels us to care about ourselves and the world around us.