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DEALL Recap Day Two!

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DEALL Week Update Day 2
TECHStyles practiced their embroidery and knitting skills, and learned how to use the embroidery machine with their own designs.
New Orleans Past to Future installed drywall and power-washed vehicles damaged by past hurricanes.
Circular Fashion continued their (successful) curation of a sustainable prom closet.
Peace Love & DEALL went thrifting and heard from a guest speaker.
Full STEAM Ahead continued prototyping their projects to present to elementary students on Thursday, including the creation of slime. 
Latin American Voyage learned about Colombian culture and tasted food while watching Coco.
Monterey Marine Science visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium and saw both captive and wild creatures thriving in their environments.
Animation Experience explored the Disney Museum and plugged away on their animations, learning skills such as how to show the emotion of a shape.
Reaching New Heights had their last day on the slopes, and were blessed with fresh powder.
NYC Urban Equality & Accessibility learned the art of graffiti while creating a collaborative piece, and then explored
Migrant Foodways explored Japanese cuisine, starting with mochi donuts & rice pudding in the morning and migrating to ramen for lunch.
To the Stars! watched the First Man and then had guest speakers from Amateur Astronomy.
What’s cookin’? did a student guided taste-testing session, and made their own homemade soups. 

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