Lions & Dragons at the 415?!

Li Na C. '24
Written by Li Na C. '24. Marketing/Comms Intern

As students prepare for the 415, the APIDA club practices to perform a lion and dragon dance. In Chinese culture the dragon symbolizes wisdom, power, and wealth.

In history the dragon dance was once used during a dry season to encourage rainfall and ward insects away from crops. Now, dragon dances are performed in festivals to ward off evil spirits and welcome in prosperous times. Lions symbolize power, wisdom, and superiority, they also chase off evil spirits and bring good luck. There are many speculations where the lion dance came from but it is believed that the animal once existed in myth before the Han Dynasty. At that time people would mimic the arrival of the lions creating what's known as the lion's dance today. If you want good fortune, come to The 415 to see APIDA’s simpler rendition of a Lion and Dragon Dance!

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