
It's DEALL Week!

This week, Drew's activity leaders and students are jumping on planes, trains, and automobiles as they head out on their week-long adventures.

Drew Dragons are traveling to incredible destinations. Musicians and dancers are off to Havana Cuba to study with professionals in Cuban Jazz and Casino de Rueda. Another group of Dragons is headed to Beaumont, Texas to build a new home for a wonderful and deserving family—continuing our 20-year relationship with Habitat for Humanity. We have Dragons studying the intricacies of immigration at the US/Mexico border, and even some learning how to cook, plan for their financial future, and learn personal freedom through self-defense. Drew Dragons will make connections with communities around the world, applying knowledge and skill to exciting and challenging situations.

Learning by doing is a valuable and important aspect of learning and growth for Drew students. The hands-on activities offered through DEALL week are incredible opportunities for exploration. With each year's experience, students further develop the confidence to explore the world through problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking. These are unique and valuable moments for each one of our students to challenge their ideas about identity, social justice, and their place in the world.

Students will lean into a bit of discomfort and push their boundaries in order to experience physical, emotional, and intellectual growth. Follow Drew on Instagram, as well as #DEALL2019, for updates throughout the week!

Maren Anderson '03
Director of Experiential Education

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Drew knows and believes in teenagers. We engage each student in a process of intellectual discovery to develop an individual voice, the confidence to express it, and the empathy to understand its impact.
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