Drew News

Havana Harmony

Performing arts teacher Lara Greene traveled to Havana during mid-winter break and met with Beatriz Corona, a well-known Cuban composer. Having heard one of Corona’s compositions online without knowing who wrote it, Ms. Greene learned Corona’s name simply by asking around during Drew’s summer travel trip to Havana last summer. 
“I managed to track down a copy of the piece, El Mar,” says Ms. Greene, “and the Vocal Ensemble at Drew performed the piece during the Winter Concert in December.” Ms. Greene reached out to Corona on social media and made plans to meet in person. “It was a really cool experience,” says Ms. Greene. “I played her a recording of Drew’s Vocal Ensemble performing her work. She made a couple of suggestions and even sent another composition as a gift, saying ‘I’m already in love with them!’”

Ultimately, Ms. Greene commissioned a brand new piece from Corona specifically for Drew’s Vocal Ensemble. The Vocal Ensemble will choose a poem by José Martí as the text, and Corona will then compose the melody and harmony.

Pictured is Ms. Greene with Beatriz Corona, and the Vocal Ensemble enjoying hot cocoa and biscotti from Ms. Corona

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