Drew News

The Truss Bridge Projects

The Engineering students put their bridges to the test after researching, designing, and building each one since the beginning of the year. Click below to see some of the designs!
Since the beginning of the year, the Intro to Engineering classes have been working on a complex project - the creation of a Truss bridge. In groups, the students worked through each step of the Engineering Design Process to prototype bridges with a minimum span of 20 inches, width of 4 inches, and could hold at least 8 times its weight. 
Beyond the physical constraints, students were also required to stay within their budget, with each building material (ex: dowels, popsicles sticks, etc.) costing a significant amount of allocated Bitcoin. Once built, they created displays/presentations to “sell” their design to a visiting Structural Engineer and various faculty/staff members, during which they explained how their design came about, how it met the requirements and why their design should be selected.
Click on the video to witness the tension felt as the bridges were put to the test!

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