Drew News

Garage Nights

Garage Nights is a weekly event that occurs every Friday from 4PM - 6PM in the Drew garage, and offers various opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities on Drew’s campus.
Garage Nights is a weekly event that occurs every Friday from 4PM - 6PM in the Drew garage, and offers various opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities on Drew’s campus. One of the main activities at these gatherings is the creation of a mural, designed by one of our seniors, Yi Nan, and brought to life by participating students. Students of all artistic abilities have been invited to help paint the mural that will be on display at "The 415,'' a student event being held on Saturday, March 5. Other activities include participating in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with the TableTop Role Playing Game club and building robots with our Robotics team. Any interested students should reach out to Dr.Fitzgerald (“Fitz”), Dean of Students, to sign-up before each of the Friday events, as capacity may be limited due to COVID restrictions. We hope to see you there!

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