Drew News

Course Sign-Ups for 2020-2021

During advisory session this coming Friday, January 31, students will be signing up for courses for next year. As they do, there are some updates to our course offerings to note, as well as a link to the Course Progressions 2020-2021 document.
During advisory session this coming Friday, January 31, students will be signing up for courses for next year. As they do, there are some updates to our course offerings to note:
  • Rising seniors will have a host of exciting new options for year-long electives in English. The department is offering seven new courses, and after students sign up, the department will determine the most popular options at both the honors and regular level, running course options that match the academic interests of the rising senior class.
  • The Science department is offering a new Zoology class, and Marine Science will now be an honors-level course.
  • The Math department is retitling its lower level classes Math I, Math II, and Math III instead of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2. This is to more accurately reflect the department's integrated approach to its curriculum. Please rest assured that we will work to ensure that this is a smooth transition on both student transcripts and college applications.
  • Both arts departments have exciting new advanced-level offerings for students passionate about those subject areas. Please note that both departments have also opted to retitle their course sequences, although there are no shifts to the vast majority of the core arts courses being offered.
  • Our Director of Steam Innovation has continued to make exciting changes to our Introduction to Engineering course, which takes advantage of her re-envisioning of the school's Maker Space.
  • For students who have taken Computer Science and wish to dig further into that area of interest, there will be a Computer Programming course provided as a follow-up. 
Advisors will guide students through the course sign-up process during advisory this week. We highly encourage students and families to be discussing students' options as well. Peruse the 
Course Progressions 2020-2021 and please feel free to reach out to your student's advisor or to me with any questions.
Molly T. MacKean, Ph.D
Academic Dean

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