Drew Event

Teacher-Led Conferences - No Classes

Students and families are invited to meet with teachers for Teacher-Led Conferences this Thursday and Friday:
In order for students to grow as learners, they must receive regular feedback. Teacher-Led Conferences are a time for students and families to meet with individual teachers for short meetings to discuss a student’s progress in this early part of the year. Prior to the conferences, students and families will be able to access Growth Plans, in which teachers will provide students with actionable feedback.
Here are some general conference guidelines:
  • Each conference is nine minutes in length.
  • It is not required to have a conference with all of your student’s teachers.
  • Conferences with advisors are not included. If you feel you need to speak to the advisor, please contact them directly. A meeting may be best the week following conferences. Additionally, we will have Student-Led conferences in late January when students meet with their advisor to talk about the fall semester, how to approach the spring semester, and to plan for courses next year (except for the seniors). More about that later.
  • Some part-time teachers are only available for specific days or times. 
  • Conferences are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis and occur on campus.
  • To respect others’ schedules, please be on time.
  • Early morning, lunch, and evening are often the only available times for parents who are unable to edit work schedules. Please leave these times open if you are flexible.
  • If you recently visited with a teacher about your student’s performance, please refrain from scheduling another visit to allow our other families the opportunity.
  • Please review the gradebooks within DrewNet prior to the conference. If you are having issues with logging in to DrewNet, please email Director of Technology Amy Grunat.
  • If you cannot attend the conference days and want to talk with a specific teacher, please email that teacher directly and schedule a time to talk on the phone or meet in person.
I hope you enjoy the conversations and feel the positive energy of the teachers who are committed to supporting students in their process of intellectual discovery. Please contact Dean of Faculty Jean-Paul Ouellette if you have any questions regarding the upcoming conference days.

Become part of the Drew Dynamic!

Drew knows and believes in teenagers. We engage each student in a process of intellectual discovery to develop an individual voice, the confidence to express it, and the empathy to understand its impact.
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