
Whirlwind Games!

Exciting Performances
Special shoutout to Cora Watters for her win in singles, and Skylar Fitzpatrick and Elizabeth Welzien for their win in Doubles 2!  They were hard-fought victories, and well deserved.  Now I just need to come up with a nickname for your double's team.  Team Marvellous?  Team Formidable?  Only time will tell.

Not to undermine the efforts of those who lost, far from it.  Today saw the most well-played games we've seen in JV, including Team Awesome (Luci Anderson and Eva Stern), Gloria Miros, Hallie Downs and Abbey Schottenstein. 

Things we can work on:
  • Communication
  • Serve consistency
I swear I'll start uploading on time.  Provided I don't see something funny on reddit and get distracted.  Also, Luci, you can give up on asking for my Instagram handle.  Ain't gonna happen.


-Coach Tony
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