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Spring Musical Recap

This past week, the talented cast and crew of The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical, put on three performances.
Thank you to everyone who came out to see our talented cast and crew in last week's performances of The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical! 
After three months of rehearsals, the heroic ensemble shared Percy's story from March 16-19. The time and dedication they put into their theatrical art was abundantly clear, as the audience was invited into the world of Greek Gods and their half-blood children. We followed Percy Jackson and his trusty (and untrustworthy) friends as they embarked on a quest to retrieve Zeus’s lightning bolt. Check out the pictures below for a glimpse into a world where capture-the-flag is played with swords, math teachers have been known to sprout wings, and the Underworld is hidden in a record company.
Props to all the students involved, as well as directors Amelia Stewart and Lara Greene for presenting this musical adventure!

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